Latest SIGNA™ MR software release

Latest software release: SIGNA™Works AIR™ IQ Edition
Streamline your MR department with intelligent applications that boost image quality, productivity and enable growth.

SIGNA™Works MR clinical excellence

Fueling the future of MR

The SIGNA™Works MR applications portfolio contains NeuroWorks, CVWorks, BodyWorks, OncoWorks, OrthoWorks and PaedWorks. These imaging solutions cover a wide variety of contrasts, 2D and 3D volumetric data, including motion correction, free-breathing and deep-learning enabled capabilities.

SIGNA™Works innovative MR applications

Take your expertise to the next level when you move beyond the standard with SIGNA™Works innovative applications. Improved image quality, higher efficiency and a more streamlined workflow help you perform better than ever before.

SIGNA™Works standard and elective MR applications

The standard is now extraordinary

Energize your clinical capabilities with all the tools you need to complete an exam. Imaging solutions cover a variety of contrasts, 2D and 3D volumetric data and motion correction capabilities.

NeuroWorks: Neuro MR imaging applications
OrthoWorks: Orthopedic MR imaging applications
CVWorks: Cardiovascular MR imaging applications

SIGNA™Works: Designed to support precision health

Throughout the entire workflow, SIGNA™Works provides improved outcomes and results.
  • Consistent
    Gain consistency with motion-reduced, distortion-reduced, high-resolution tissue contrast
  • Fast
    Up to 50% accelerated, reliable scans
  • Quantitative
    Provide quantitative, actionable information, for one-time and longitudinal assessments
  • Personalized
    Personalize and adapt to any patient
  • SIGNA™Works is upgradable and can be customized with additional applications

    Suit the needs of your growing practice with enhanced clinical capabilities. Further advance your diagnostics and quicken throughput, while improving patient outcomes and your ROI.

SIGNA™Works resources
