Digital Expert Access

Remote scan assistance anytime, anywhere
At a glance


Live support helps to ensure accuracy, prevent repeat scans, and boost staff confidence


Standardizing care across your network improves experience, reduces variations, and may help to increase ROI1


Virtual access can help save time and utilize appropriate staff resources

Real-time collaboration can help address efficiency pain points

Timely assistance may help avoid quality issues, rework, and other delays in the exam workflow


Peer-to-peer expert support when your technologist needs it most

Collaboration and connectivity

The ability to seamlessly bridge multiple locations, users and devices enables technologists to share knowledge, helping to improve exam workflows, speed up decision-making and achieve clinical and efficiency goals.

Digital Expert Access is a real-time, virtual solution that enables collaboration among all your radiology teams, within a single hospital or across multiple locations.

Easily share expertise, best practices, and advice or remotely access key controls in the scan room to provide immediate help.

1GE HealthCare does not guarantee ROI. Results will vary based on the specifics of each customer.

*Features may not be available in every region. Consult your local Imaging Digital Solutions sales representative for details.

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