Flow with SIGNA™ One

An intuitive imaging platform designed to support MRI excellence


Anticipate a user’s next move with a pre-programmed task guidance solution


Fewer interactions between initiating a scan and gaining results


Level the learning curve for staff, with an intuitive imaging platform


Streamline with Express mode requiring only a few clicks to complete a scan

SIGNA™ One – a state-of-the-art MR imaging platform

A technique as sophisticated as MRI deserves an intuitive imaging experience to match it. SIGNA™ One is an innovative imaging platform designed to make the scanning process smooth. This anticipatory platform has familiar UI patterns, helping every stage flow. It has no learning curve – making users instantly productive – and interprets what a user needs, when they need it.

Discover SIGNA™ One

Intelligent task guidance

Intelligently anticipate a user’s next move with a pre-programmed task guidance solution, while keeping flexibility to override if necessary.

Built-in efficiency

Streamline the scanning process with SIGNA™ One’s easy-to-use Express mode which provides for 66% fewer clicks and shows 82% fewer parameters for less user distraction.1

Intuitive learning curve

Help new staff get up to speed fast and eliminate staff stress with visually assisted, highlighted fields to guide technologists step-by-step, making the process easier to follow with 34% less set up time.1

Designed for simplicity

Simplicity in every step, from Express mode to Autoview. No need for scrolling or switching views, fixed toolbars are always on screen, and a common browser is used to assist file management.

1. Data on file, 2022.

Would you like to experience seamless imaging excellence?
