




在急诊室和重症监护室,神经系统的创伤需要快速评估,以便能够快速、准确地进行干预。无论是脑外伤还是手术后护理,GE Healthcare 都可以为您提供 MRI、CT 和超声扫描,以及快速诊断和患者管理决策所需的监测解决方案。我们为您提供的不仅仅是影像。  


管理神经退行性疾病仍然是当今医疗护理专业人士面临的一个关键挑战。我们先进的诊断成像系统为您提供有效的鉴别诊断和治疗计划所需的信息。我们的多模态产品包括 MRI、CT 和分子成像系统及显影剂。


神经血管疾病是全世界范围内致死和致残的一个主要原因。GE Healthcare 提供旨在帮助您诊断神经血管疾病的创新成像技术。我们的先进技术包括诊断心脏病学、超声扫描、CT、MRI 和介入 X 射线系统。

We offer a full complement of consulting solutions and workflow systems to help optimize your resources and efficiency of care.

Our value and service to you doesn’t end with innovative diagnostic tools. We offer a full complement of consulting solutions designed to help optimize the use of your resources and enhance efficiency of care. In addition our easy-to-use PACS and EMR systems allow you to better manage and optimize your patient workflow.

Our range of interventional surgery tools are designed to give you the clinical versatility where and when you need it most.

Our range of interventional and surgery products, systems and solutions are designed to ensure your operating room responds to the varying demands of your neurology practice. From mobile ultrasounds to C-arm X-ray units for neurovascular procedures, we offer you the clinical versatility where and when you need it most.