Blood Pressure Cuff Cost
Number of days of use per year*
Cuff usage in days*
Average Patient stay (days)*
Number of patient per year
Number of times the cuff will be used on patients*
Number of cuffs required per monitor
Price of cuff/unit*
Total Cost just for cuffs per year
Cleaning Cost
Cost of cleaning or desinfection wipes/detergent of cuff*
Time to clean each cuff (minutes)*
Nurse (Agent) hourly salary*
Nurse cost for cleaning cuffs per year
Total Cost for cuff cleaning per year
Infection Prevention (HAI) Cost
Rate of HAIs (per day per 1000 patients)*
Cost of HAI per patient*
Total Cost to prevent an infection per patient
% of HAI potentially linked to BP cuffs*
Cost of prevention of HAI (% of HAI per patient potentially linked to cuff)
Total Cost of cuff including cleaning and infection risk per year
Number of bedside monitors*
Total Cost including cleaning and infection risk per care unit per year

Note :
* Table has been prefilled with figures in Euro. You can change your currency for your convenience, but please note that no currency rate is then applied on the prefilled figures.
* HAI - Healthcare Acquired Infection
* You can see other HAI cost information showing an average infection cost in Mexican ICUs of $12,155 on World Health Organization Fact sheet
* Reference to White-Paper:

Estimated blood pressure cuffs annual cost for one monitor

Use of a Reusable cuff in ICU
Cost of prevention of HAI (% of HAI per patient potentially linked to cuff)
Potential savings by using disposable cuffs (per patient)