Apex Pro FH with EA Technical Service

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    About this class

    Patient Monitoring Systems

    This technical service class for the Apex Pro FH with EA Technical Service illustrates the practical skills needed to configure and troubleshoot the system. Participants are involved in clinical software navigation and the comprehension of software configuration and service tools. This course includes connection to the Enterprise Access (EA) system. The course provides a detailed explanation of the individual hardware and software components, their integration and interconnectivity with other system components. Through hands-on labs, participants will switch out an access point, program patient transmitters, configure Telemetry Server software, load scripts to switches and remotely diagnose Server problems. The FH over EA will show how the Access Points are now located in the remote closets and no longer in the ceilings. The student will also learn about the EA Switching Hub Unit (SHU).

    *Now offering on-site training.  We bring the class to you.*
    (Please see purchase options below.)


    • Technical Training
    • Overview

      Customer Requirements
      Customers are required to bring a computer laptop to class. The laptop will be used to view electronic documentation and operate software service tools, which are provided during class.

      Computer Laptop Requirements:

      • Hardware: PC based (not Mac®), Wireless Network Card, DB 9 Serial port, CD ROM, USB port, AC Power Cord
      • Operating System: Microsoft Windows® 7 or above
      • Software: Microsoft Internet Explorer ver. 5.5 or greater, Google Chrome or Firefox, Microsoft Windows Media Player® 10 or greater, Adobe Reader® (latest version), latest Adobe Flash® plug-ins, HyperTerminal or other terminal emulation program.
      • Local administrator access
      • Ability to disable spyware and virus scan programs
      • No other versions of Ghost previously installed 
    • Target Audience

      • Biomedical equipment technicians
      • Biomedical and clinical engineers
    • Prerequisites

      Required Pre-Requisite:  None

      Recommended Pre-Requisites: Implementing Digital Technology in Healthcare or equivalent.

    • Pricing Options

      Purchase Packages
      Tuition (2020786-393): $6625

      On-site Training Tuition(2020786-416): $46,375 (8 attendees)

